NCKU’s watershed management strategy-國立成功大學永續發展SDGs

14.5.5 Watershed management strategy

Watershed management strategy


NCKU’s watershed management strategy

1. National Cheng Kung University Water Technology Research Center has developed a universal water resources supply and demand simulation and management model to address Taiwan's unique water resource characteristics. This includes estimating facility water supply capacity, formulating development programs, assessing backup water sources, adjusting water rights, reviewing dam impacts, and creating early warning and emergency strategies for water shortages.

2. NCKU's Department of Hydraulic & Ocean Engineering is actively involved in sustainable reservoir management and spring ecology conservation.
  1. In reservoir management, the focus is on sediment control and fostering collaboration between stakeholders.
  2. In spring ecology, efforts are concentrated in the Wuugu Community, where water quality, native species, and cultural preservation are priorities.

3. Professor Chih-Hua Chang and partners established the "Kinmen County Multi-Layered Composite Filter (MSL) Test Field" near Xiaotai Lake, using advanced technology for effective water quality improvement and environmental protection, benefiting both Kinmen's water resources and Eurasian otters' habitat.

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