NCKU's Local Community Outreach for Energy Efficiency-國立成功大學永續發展SDGs

7.4.1 local community outreach for energy efficiency

Local community outreach for energy efficiency


NCKU's Local Community Outreach for Energy Efficiency

NCKU provided exhibitions, seminars and educational channels to provide a diverse platform for the local community to learn about the importance of energy efficiency and clean energy. The related outreach which includes:
  1. NCKU Research Center for Energy Technology and Strategy operates a YouTube channel, regularly uploading instructional videos related to energy and resource circular regulation and smart environmental management.
  2. NCKU's Circular Economy Society and Sustainable Innovation Society will host the third lecture featuring Li Chih-An, Senior Manager at Wooshin Energy, discussing "Renewable Energy in Balance with Nature's Ecosystem."
  3. The eighth Cheng Kung Material Industry Forum will focus on "Sustainable Energy Transition and New Economy: Innovative Development of Green Energy Technology." Five experts will explore fuel cells, hydrogen energy, wind energy, nuclear fusion, and perovskite batteries, highlighting trends in Taiwan and globally.
  4. Additionally, NCKU is collaborating with Shanghai Commercial & Savings Bank and Citizen Sustainability Co. on a project promoting "Corporate Sustainability and Green Living." The initiative aims to recruit 2,000 participants, encouraging them to upload receipts for purchases made with reusable cups to the "全民碳集" app for rewards and lottery chances, promoting green consumption and reducing carbon footprints.

No.1, University Road, Tainan City 701, Taiwan (R.O.C)

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