NCKU’s employment practice living wage-國立成功大學永續發展SDGs

8.2.1 Employment practice living wage

Employment practice living wage


NCKU’s employment practice living wage

NCKU places a paramount emphasis on the rights and welfare of its employees concerning compensation. We strictly adhere to national labor salary regulations, which include the formulation of clear rules for staff promotion and salary adjustments across all levels. These measures ensure equitable compensation in alignment with qualifications and job performance, thereby fostering a collaborative labor-management relationship. Key actions include:
  1. NCKU's Remuneration Standards for Project Staff surpass Taiwan's prevailing minimum monthly wage of NT$26,400, providing salary protection for project staff and high school graduates.
  2. Professional managers within NCKU's Office of Finance receive salaries exceeding Taiwan's current basic salary levels.
  3. Comprehensive laws and regulations govern the seniority-based salary promotion for NCKU employees, safeguarding their salary rights.

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