【成大永續放空生活節| Net Zero Advocacy 】
The Net Zero Advocacy is not only a carbon reduction activity, but also a self-responsible attitude towards life.
Join Now : bit.ly/sic_netzero
NCKU Sustainable Innovation Club recognizes that in past events, there has been a gap between the good concepts and noble goals and the reality of the event. The way these events have been executed has often resulted in a huge waste of one-time resources and a huge burden on the planet in terms of carbon emissions!
【 Students' First Net-zero Carbon Emission Activity| Net Zero Advocacy】
Claim 1: Overall net-zero carbon emissions from the event
Based on the relevant data available on the day of the event (May 20), we calculated the items that have a greater impact on the greenhouse gas emissions of the event, and will try to achieve the goal of net-zero by vegan-dining. After May 20, we will announce the total carbon emissions of the event and conduct the action in two phases: 40 days and 100 days. The first phase will be carried out by all advocates, while the second phase will be carried out by the event organizers to achieve net zero carbon emissions!
Claim 2: Recycle the resources of the event
The same canvas was hung on the tennis court before May 20 to promote the event, and then moved to the plaza in front of the Future Venue of NCKU on the day of the event! After the event, the canvas will be made into a recycled multipurpose bag, which will be recycled and reconstructed to give a new use to the original one that is single-use!
We hope that everyone can think about the carbon footprint in the response of our advocacy and take positive action to reduce the burden on the planet. We welcome all of you to join us in this advocacy, click on the link to start the Vegan Carbon Reduction Action, and to face and overcome our huge carbon footprint and work towards a better future with our sustainability partners!
Join Now : bit.ly/sic_netzero