Life Below Water


Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.


NCKU and NSCT Collaborate to Blueprint Ocean Sustainability – Hosting the 2023 Taiwan Ocean Alliance Conference

SDG14NCKU and NSCT Collaborate to Blueprint Ocean Sustainability – Hosting the 2023 Taiwan Ocean Alliance Conference

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NCKU Hosts the 2023 Coastal Environment Planning Participatory Workshop: Exploring Options for Climate Change Adaptation

SDG14NCKU Hosts the 2023 Coastal Environment Planning Participatory Workshop: Exploring Options for Climate Change Adaptation

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NCKU Marine Biology and Cetacean Research Center Hopes for More Volunteers to Join in Protecting Marine Ecology

SDG14NCKU Marine Biology and Cetacean Research Center Hopes for More Volunteers to Join in Protecting Marine Ecology

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Over"whale"ming discovery!

SDG14Over"whale"ming discovery!

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Research on Aquatic Animal Disease Recognized Internationally: Chai Prof. Chu-Fang Lo Won OIE Outstanding Contribution Award

SDG14Research on Aquatic Animal Disease Recognized Internationally: Chai Prof. Chu-Fang Lo Won OIE Outstanding Contribution Award

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NCKU is the Only University Selected as Top Ten Sustainable Microfilms with MB&CRC's Film at 2022 Taipei Golden Eagle Microfilm

SDG14NCKU is the Only University Selected as Top Ten Sustainable Microfilms with MB&CRC's Film at 2022 Taipei Golden Eagle Microfilm

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Marine Biology and Cetacean Research Center Does Its Best to Preserve the Blue Whale’s Skeleton

SDG14Marine Biology and Cetacean Research Center Does Its Best to Preserve the Blue Whale’s Skeleton

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NCKU Takes Academic & Social Duties by Sustainable Marine Development -Nanying Marine Conservation & Education Center Unveiled

SDG14NCKU Takes Academic & Social Duties by Sustainable Marine Development -Nanying Marine Conservation & Education Center Unveiled

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NCKU Cetacean Research Center Restores Taiwan’s First Blue Whale Specimen

SDG14NCKU Cetacean Research Center Restores Taiwan’s First Blue Whale Specimen

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Microalgae Applied to the Development of Technology in Aquaculture

SDG14Microalgae Applied to the Development of Technology in Aquaculture

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