NCKU EMBA 躍榕盟 Organizes "Let's Spread Love - Tainan's Rural Elementary School Exploring NCKU"-國立成功大學永續發展SDGs

NCKU EMBA 躍榕盟 Organizes "Let's Spread Love - Tainan's Rural Elementary School Exploring NCKU"


NCKU EMBA 躍榕盟 Organizes "Let's Spread Love - Tainan's Rural Elementary School Exploring NCKU"

Synergy Correlation

NCKU EMBA organized "Let's Spread Love - Tainan's Rural Elementary School Exploring NCKU" and invited invited Principal Wang of Tainan Municipal Nanhua District Rueifong Elementary School, Principal Zheng of Tainan Municipal Nanhua District Yushan Elementary School, and Principal Jiang of Tainan Municipal Sipu Elementary School to lead 53 students and teachers on a trip to explore NCKU.

President Liao of 躍榕盟 said, " 躍榕盟 is an academic organization that focuses on developing independent thinking skills through case studies and organizing seminars and corporate visits. He said. "This is the first time to organize this type of activity. What the children in the rural areas lack is not necessarily material resources, what they need more is "experience", "dream" and "social participation", through this activity, we can increase the campus experience of the children in the rural elementary schools, and also let the EMBA students hold the mood of "I am content, I am grateful", and do what they can to give back to the society and spread the love.

Dean of College of Management, Yeu-Shiang Huang, and CEO  Hsuan-Chu Lin were there to welcome everyone to NCKU and to thank 躍榕盟 for organizing a charity event to demonstrate the social entrepreneurship of EMBA.

The "Explore Tainan" course, the first liberal studies course that was created by NCKU in the 106th academic year, takes students out of the classroom to experience the local culture of Tainan and learn about its historical evolution, development, and human culture. This time, Jyh-Chang Chen, Tain-Song Chen, and Zhi-Qing Lin led the students to visit the NCKU Museum, the "Veritas et Conscientia" (窮理致知) memorial arch, Little East Gate, and Banyan Garden. The event was designed with games and gifts for the students to celebrate Children's Day in advance.

Three EMBA seniors were invited to share their experiences with the students. Ken Chuang, CEO of Rainmaking Innovations, was born and raised in Singapore. He developed a mindset ," Embracing one's vulnerability is a kind of bravery" through the impact of the skills he developed on his career of being a pilot and a Boeing Commercial Airplanes airliner. Manager of Hanlin , Ms.  Shin-Yun Lee said, "Open up your imagination with reading, enrich your mind and find your own path." Mr.  Zheng-Yen Chen, Chairman and General Manager of Jumbo Laser Plasma , encouraged students to "pursue their dreams and create life values."

The EMBA of NCKU is the cradle for cultivating elite managers from all walks of life in the South of Taiwan, and after successful development in their respective fields, they have implemented the University Social Responsibility (USR) program. 792 wheelchairs were purchased and donated to 12 counties and cities with the funds raised from the Christmas auction in December 2019, and Ms. Shu-Fen Chang, Chairman of the TSMC Charitable Foundation, was invited to give a speech on business and public welfare in November 2020.


NCKU EMBA 躍榕盟 Organizes "Let's Spread Love - Tainan's Rural Elementary School Exploring NCKU" 

躍榕盟 is an academic organization that focuses on developing independent thinking skills through case studies and organizing seminars and corporate visits.

The "Explore Tainan" course, the first liberal studies course that was created by NCKU in the 106th academic year, takes students out of the classroom to experience the local culture of Tainan and learn about its historical evolution, development, and human culture. 

We led the students to visit the NCKU Museum, the "Veritas et Conscientia" (窮理致知) memorial arch, Little East Gate, and Banyan Garden this time, and invited three EMBA seniors to share their experiences.

EMBA students hold the mood of "I am content, I am grateful", and do what they can to give back to the society and spread the love.

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