NCKU North America alumni gather for the inaugural Nova Scholars meeting, inspiring young scholars to uphold excellence for the-國立成功大學永續發展SDGs

The first Nova Scholars meeting brings together NCKU North America alumni to inspire young scholars.


The first Nova Scholars meeting brings together NCKU North America alumni to inspire young scholars.

Synergy Correlation

Eight Nova Scholars from five colleges within National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) will embark on study programs in eight countries in the spring of 2023 under the first phase of the "NCKU Nova Scholarship" project. NCKU North America alumni encourage young outstanding scholars to connect internationally and broaden their global perspectives, inheriting the spirit of excellence and common good of NCKU. The first cohort of NCKU Nova Scholars hopes to live up to expectations, bringing back the fruits of their growth to Taiwan, fostering continued unity among NCKU community members to meet the challenges of the new era together.

To cultivate the next generation of outstanding talents with seven core qualities - imagination, agility, critical thinking, wisdom, curiosity, vision, and common good, NCKU North America Alumni Foundation initiated the "NCKU Nova Scholarship" program. On January 4, 2023, an award recipient meeting was held. During the event, the first cohort of Nova Scholars from NCKU engaged in intergenerational exchanges with NCKU North America alumni. Mr. Jen-Chieh Chang, on behalf of the NCKU North America Alumni Foundation, presented a commemorative medal symbolizing "continual growth," "infinite circulation," and "sustainable prosperity" to Vice President Fong-Chin Su, thanking him for his tireless efforts in promoting the Nova project.

In his opening remarks, Vice President Fong-Chin Su emphasized that the core concept of the Nova project is "holding hands," hoping that senior alumni can provide academic and life assistance to younger students studying abroad and, more importantly, serve as their spiritual mentors, offering valuable life advice. He thanked the NCKU North America Alumni Foundation for promoting the Nova project, which not only helps recruit outstanding high school students for the university but also enhances the international perspectives and competitiveness of students through exchange programs and double degree programs.

Nine alumni, including Dr. Mo-Ying Fu, Dr. Lee-Min Li, and Dr. Po-Chang Hsu, former chairman and distinguished alumni of NCKU in 1986, respectively, attended the meeting online. During the speeches, Dr. Mo-Ying Fu encouraged the first cohort of Nova Scholars to inherit their  overseas experiences and rally NCKU students, providing future students studying abroad with a "big hand" to rely on. Dr. Lee-Min Li shared her experiences to encourage younger students to bravely venture abroad to expand their horizons, urging them to have confidence in facing life's challenges.

The eight NCKU Nova Scholars who are about to go abroad in the spring of 2023 expressed their sincere gratitude to the NCKU North America alumni for their generosity. They mentioned that they will maintain an open attitude towards experiencing and learning from different cultures and exchanges during their time abroad. In addition to continuing their professional coursework, they also hope to learn second and third languages while abroad. They look forward to enriching their overseas learning experiences and contributing to NCKU upon their return.

"I am delighted that despite their apprehension, students bravely stepped out of their comfort zones, thanks to the support of NCKU North America alumni, enabling younger students to study abroad," said Professor Hsiao-Wen Wang, Director of NCKU International Affairs, at the end of the event. International mobility is an essential part of NCKU's internationalization, hoping to enhance students' global competitiveness through international mobility and equip them with appropriate international perspectives and the ability to address global issues and future challenges. The International Office will fully assist in establishing the Nova Scholars Club platform, allowing senior alumni to know about the efforts and contributions of younger students, making the platform an important support and growth base for each other.

Dean Chin-Chun Tsai of the College of Science also encouraged students to not only focus on academic research but also experience cultural differences and enjoy life abroad, improve their language learning, and fully demonstrate the diversity and integration of the Nova project's nurturing spirit.

During the meeting, alumni of the NCKU North America Alumni Foundation, including Mr. Chung-Hua Chang, Mr. William Hung-chih Yeh, Mr. Alvan Xiong-sheng Lam, and Mr. Kuo-Hsuan Hsu, sent their blessings from the United States. The sincere expectations and practical actions from senior alumni fully demonstrate the warm and valuable intentions of the NCKU community. The "NCKU Nova Scholarship" hopes to pass on academic and personal experiences through alumni guidance and companionship, allowing successive generations of NCKU individuals to continue to demonstrate the spirit of NCKU, fearlessly contributing their strengths to the country and society.

Eight Nova Scholars from five colleges within NCKU will embark on study programs in eight countries in the spring of 2023 under the first phase of the "NCKU Nova Scholarship" project.

On January 4th, a meeting and sharing session was held for the award recipients . The first cohort of Nova Scholars from NCKU joyfully engaged in cross-generational exchanges with senior alumni from North America.

Mr. Jen-Chieh Chang (right), representing the NCKU North America Alumni Foundation, presented a commemorative medal to Vice President Fong-Chin Su (left), thanking him for his tireless efforts in promoting the Nova project.

The first cohort of NCKU Nova Scholars hopes to live up to expectations, bringing back the fruits of their growth to Taiwan, fostering continued unity among NCKU community members to meet the challenges of the new era together.

Professor Hsiao-Wen Wang, Director of NCKU International Affairs, stated that the International Office will fully assist in establishing the Nova Scholars Club platform, allowing senior alumni to know about the efforts and contributions of younger students, making the platform an important support and growth base for each other.

Dean Chin-Chun Tsai of the College of Science also encouraged students to not only focus on academic research but also experience cultural differences and enjoy life abroad, improve their language learning.

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