NCKU & Purdue’s Honors College Sign LOI to Foster Outstanding Student Talent

NCKU & Purdue’s Honors College Sign LOI to Foster Outstanding Student Talent.


NCKU & Purdue’s Honors College Sign LOI to Foster Outstanding Student Talent.

Synergy Correlation

Written by Lin Yun-Mao. Image credit to NCKU Office of Internation Affairs.

On May 13, National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) and Purdue University's John Martinson Honors College (hereinafter "Honors College") deepened their partnership with a letter of intent (LOI) signing ceremony at NCKU. Representing NCKU were Prof. Chyan-Deng Jan, Dean of the College of Engineering and Prof. Pau-Choo Chung, Dean of the College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. The Honors College was represented by Dr. Natasha Duncan, Associate Dean for Academic and International Affairs. The LOI formalized the partnership between NCKU and the Honors College. The next step involved launching short-term Study Away Programs in conjunction with the NCKU BS – PURDUE MS Dual Degree Program, expanding their cooperation in education to nurture well-rounded students.
Prof. Sherry Shu-Jung Hu, NCKU's Associate Vice President for International Affairs, noted that the two universities' friendship first took root in 1952 when the US provided aid to Taiwan. This enduring partnership has now spanned over 70 years. Over the past five years, the universities have maintained strong ties despite the pandemic, as evidenced by a total of 15 exchange visits. This long-standing relationship is further demonstrated by the 82 students currently enrolled in the NCKU BS – PURDUE MS Dual Degree Program.
Echoing these sentiments, Dr. Duncan, Purdue University Honors College's Associate Dean for Academic and International Affairs, expressed her appreciation for the strong partnership during her speech. She also shared her honor in representing Purdue’s Honors College at the signing ceremony at NCKU. As 2024 marks the 10th anniversary of the Honors College, Dr. Duncan hoped the LOI with the College of Engineering and College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science would deepen the collaborative talent cultivation. Through short-term Study Away Programs and scholar exchange programs, this partnership would surely pave the way for mutual learning and new horizons of cooperation.

Representatives from both institutions gathered for the signing ceremony, hosted by , Prof. Hu. Prof. Jan, Prof. Chung, and Dr. Duncan formalized the partnership with their signatures. The ceremony was attended by a distinguished group, including the delegation led by Dr. Duncan, along with esteemed NCKU faculty: Prof. Chien-Sheng Liu , Chair of the Department of Mechanical Engineering; Assoc. Prof. Chung-Gang Li , also from the Department of Mechanical Engineering; Prof. Meng-Hsueh Chiang , Chair of the Department of Electrical Engineering; Prof. Shyh-Hau Wang, Chair of the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering ; Prof. Han-Sheng Chuang, Chair of the Department of Biomedical Engineering; and Prof. Shu-Ying Wang, Director of Division of Study Abroad, Office of International Affairs . Following the ceremony, the delegation enjoyed a university tour and a celebratory feast.

Internationally renowned for its academic and educational excellence, Purdue University's John Martinson Honors College attracts top students from around the world. Its mission is to provide a rigorous academic environment and rich opportunities for students, empowering them to thrive in leadership, innovation, and global perspectives.

The LOI signing ceremony. Representing their respective institutions, the signatories included (from left to right): Dr. Natasha Duncan, Associate Dean for Academic and International Affairs of Purdue University's Honors College ; Prof. Pau-Choo Chung , Dean of the College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science; and Prof. Chyan-Deng Jan, Dean of the College of Engineering, Prof. Sherry Shu-Jung Hu (second from right), NCKU's Associate Vice President for International Affairs, presided over the ceremony.

NCKU faculty and the Purdue University Honors College delegation took a group photo after the meeting.

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