[Phoenix Lecture] Academician Yuan-Tseh Lee Visits NCKU to Discuss "New Development Models for Human Sustainable Existence"-國立成功大學永續發展SDGs

[Phoenix Lecture] Academician Yuan-Tseh Lee Visits NCKU to Discuss "New Development Models for Human Sustainable Existence"


[Phoenix Lecture] Academician Yuan-Tseh Lee Visits NCKU to Discuss "New Development Models for Human Sustainable Existence"

Synergy Correlation

On the afternoon of May 21, NCKU hosted the third Phoenix Lecture of 2024, inviting Academician Yuan-Tseh Lee from the Academia Sinica to deliver a speech. The Nobel laureate's presence attracted nearly 180 faculty and students from various colleges of the university. The lecture hall in the International Conference Hall of the Kuang-Fu Campus was filled to capacity, with an overflow crowd in the adjacent third lecture room, all eager to participate in the discussion on "New Development Models for Human Sustainable Existence," a critical global issue that resonated across generations.

Before the commencement of the lecture, President Meng-Ru Shen of NCKU delivered a welcome address and actively participated in and moderated the Q&A session throughout the event. President Shen shared two personal anecdotes related to Academician Yuan-Tseh Lee. Firstly, he recounted his excitement upon hearing the news on the radio in 1986 when Yuan-Tseh Lee was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, marking Taiwan's first Nobel laureate. Secondly, he recalled attending Li's lecture in the UK in 2001, where Li's discussion on global warming left a profound impact. President Shen expressed his anticipation for the audience to collectively engage in addressing this crucial issue.

During the lecture on May 21, Yuan-Tseh Lee began with a humorous anecdote about his past experiences on the NCKU campus. However, he quickly transitioned to a serious tone, emphasizing the imminent threat posed by global warming, stating that "time is running out for humanity" as temperatures continue to rise. Li stressed the urgency of halving carbon emissions by 2030 and urged everyone to work together to correct the misguided direction toward achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

Yuan-Tseh Lee further highlighted the consequences of human reliance on fossil fuels since the Industrial Revolution, leading to a continuous rise in surface temperatures and resulting in extreme climate events such as wildfires, landslides, and floods. He emphasized the need for immediate action to address global warming and advocated for a shift toward deep decarbonization to prevent economic progress from being hindered by climate change. He outlined two main directions for energy transition: a revolution in the electric industry and the implementation of carbon taxes.

In conclusion, Yuan-Tseh Lee underscored the need for global cooperation in tackling climate change and called for a reevaluation of humanity's relationship with nature. He stressed the importance of adopting sustainable practices and promoting conservation, highlighting the role of science and education in guiding humanity back to harmony with nature.

Yuan-Tseh Lee, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1986, became Taiwan's first native-born Nobel laureate. After serving as the President of the Academia Sinica from 1994 to 2006, he continued his research as a distinguished researcher at the Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences of the Academia Sinica. In 2008, he was elected as the President of the International Council for Science.

In 1994, NCKU awarded Yuan-Tseh Lee an honorary doctoral degree, and he has since engaged in dialogues with young students at the university on multiple occasions. This lecture marked Li's return to the NCKU campus after many years. Reflecting on his previous visit, he shared a lighthearted anecdote about being mistaken for the university president during a campus walk, which amused the audience and effectively captured their attention throughout the event. After the lecture, many faculty and students took the opportunity to approach Yuan-Tseh Lee for photos, creating memorable moments.

To broaden the horizons of faculty and students and enhance academic standards, NCKU established the Phoenix Lecture series in 2024. The series invites renowned scholars, esteemed figures within various fields, and representatives from the industry to share their knowledge and experiences, aiming to elevate the university's position in higher education, facilitate professional development for faculty, inject new vitality into teaching and research, and further enhance the university's international influence.

The third Phoenix Lecture of NCKU in 2024 invited Academia Sinica Academician Yuan-Tseh Lee to deliver a speech on the afternoon of May 21st. The topic of this lecture was "New Development Models for Human Sustainable Existence," addressing crucial global societal development issues that resonated with students and faculty across generations.

Before the commencement of the speech, President Meng-Ru Shen of NCKU shared two anecdotes about Academician Yuan-Tseh Lee and expressed his anticipation for faculty and students to collectively focus on the crucial issue of global warming.

Academician Yuan-Tseh Lee pointed out that with the continuous rise in surface temperatures, the human living environment will face even more severe challenges. Therefore, carbon emissions must be halved by 2030. He hopes to inspire everyone to collectively correct the current erroneous path towards net zero carbon emissions by 2050, and through deep decarbonization, provide a better life for future generations.

To broaden the perspective of NCKU students and faculty and enhance academic standards, NCKU has established the "NCKU Phoenix Lecture" starting this year (2024). On May 21st, a Nobel laureate was invited to speak on campus, attracting participation from students and faculty across all colleges. After the lecture, many attendees eagerly approached Academician Yuan-Tseh Lee for group photos.

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