

President Tsai Ing-Wen Expresses Expectations for the NCKU Academy of Innovative Semiconductor and Sustainable Manufacturing

SDG8President Tsai Ing-Wen Expresses Expectations for the NCKU Academy of Innovative Semiconductor and Sustainable Manufacturing

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AIS&D Marks a Milestone Achievement in AI Development

SDG9AIS&D Marks a Milestone Achievement in AI Development

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NCKU Joins Hands with Sampo Corporation and Rechi Precision to Create a Common Research Center for Smart Home Appliances

SDG9NCKU Joins Hands with Sampo Corporation and Rechi Precision to Create a Common Research Center for Smart Home Appliances

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Revolutionizing Orthodix Teaching and Returning Universities to Their Roots FREE Lunch, FREE Talks for Our Future

SDG8Revolutionizing Orthodix Teaching and Returning Universities to Their Roots FREE Lunch, FREE Talks for Our Future

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NCKU students Propose Plans to Fix Underpass Flooding Problem

SDG6NCKU students Propose Plans to Fix Underpass Flooding Problem

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Successful Women’s Silhouette

SDG5Successful Women’s Silhouette

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Woman Power Takes off at NCKU with Cross-national WUN Project: “Marriage Migrants in Asia”

SDG5Woman Power Takes off at NCKU with Cross-national WUN Project: “Marriage Migrants in Asia”

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Co-creation in Art: FLY to Fearon Hall 2022 NCKU Art Internship in Loughborough, UK

SDG4Co-creation in Art: FLY to Fearon Hall 2022 NCKU Art Internship in Loughborough, UK

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The Taiwanese Million Awards of NCKU Wins Attention From All Sectors.

SDG4The Taiwanese Million Awards of NCKU Wins Attention From All Sectors.

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《AI Is Not the Same as Imagined ?!》 Come to Tainan Art Museum for Exhibition and Feel the Charm of AI on the Weekend

SDG4《AI Is Not the Same as Imagined ?!》 Come to Tainan Art Museum for Exhibition and Feel the Charm of AI on the Weekend

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Education Doesn’t Stop at Wars  NCKU Signed Cooperation Agreement with National Aviation University

SDG4Education Doesn’t Stop at Wars NCKU Signed Cooperation Agreement with National Aviation University

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NCKU’s Human Powered Submarine “sat-ba̍k-hî” Won the Best Newcomer Award in Europe International Submarine Races

SDG4NCKU’s Human Powered Submarine “sat-ba̍k-hî” Won the Best Newcomer Award in Europe International Submarine Races

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111 MOE Teaching Practice Research Program NCKU Has the Highest Number of 47 Approved Projects Among National Universities

SDG4111 MOE Teaching Practice Research Program NCKU Has the Highest Number of 47 Approved Projects Among National Universities

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International Exchange Doesn’t Stop by Epidemic  25 Foreign Students Started TISLP, an Eight-week Full Chinese Course in NCKU

SDG4International Exchange Doesn’t Stop by Epidemic 25 Foreign Students Started TISLP, an Eight-week Full Chinese Course in NCKU

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[NCKU BOOKS ONE CITY] -MOBILE LIBRARY  Carrying Out University Social Responsibility in Rural Countries

SDG4[NCKU BOOKS ONE CITY] -MOBILE LIBRARY Carrying Out University Social Responsibility in Rural Countries

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NCKU’s LDT School Project Interacts with the Public off Campus With Achievements

SDG4NCKU’s LDT School Project Interacts with the Public off Campus With Achievements

NCKU’s LDT School Project Interacts with the Public off Campus With Achievements

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NCKU’s Cross-disciplinary X-Village Course Breaks Conventions and Rebuilds Teaching from the Ground Up

SDG4NCKU’s Cross-disciplinary X-Village Course Breaks Conventions and Rebuilds Teaching from the Ground Up

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Adaptation Strategies for Large-Scale Landslides and Dammed Lake Disasters

SDG13Adaptation Strategies for Large-Scale Landslides and Dammed Lake Disasters

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NCKU Alumna Wins Boat International Young Designer of the Year Award 2019

SDG9NCKU Alumna Wins Boat International Young Designer of the Year Award 2019

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NCKU’s SATU Event Gathers 72 Universities in Southeast and South Asia to Discuss Higher Education Talent and Academia-Industry

SDG8NCKU’s SATU Event Gathers 72 Universities in Southeast and South Asia to Discuss Higher Education Talent and Academia-Industry

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Sarva Mangala Praveena:Do What You Love, Love What You Do

SDG6Sarva Mangala Praveena:Do What You Love, Love What You Do

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NCKU Leading Technological Capabilities in 2022 Bio-Asia Taiwan Exhibition

SDG17NCKU Leading Technological Capabilities in 2022 Bio-Asia Taiwan Exhibition

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NCKU & ICDF Hold Training Program on Disaster Prevention Technology & Management for Allied Countries

SDG17NCKU & ICDF Hold Training Program on Disaster Prevention Technology & Management for Allied Countries

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New Milestone for Mandarin Education: NCKU Signs Trilateral MOU with UCI and TECO-LA

SDG17New Milestone for Mandarin Education: NCKU Signs Trilateral MOU with UCI and TECO-LA

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