Partnerships for the goals


Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.


Targeting Third-Generation Semiconductor Talents: NCKU and Diodes Incorporated Launch Cooperation.

SDG17Targeting Third-Generation Semiconductor Talents: NCKU and Diodes Incorporated Launch Cooperation.

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To Expand Bilateral Cooperation, Officials from The Lithuanian Ministry of Education, Science and Sport Visited NCKU.

SDG17To Expand Bilateral Cooperation, Officials from The Lithuanian Ministry of Education, Science and Sport Visited NCKU.

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NCKU-KTH To Launch 3+2 Joint/Dual Master’s Degree Program In Sept. 2023

SDG17NCKU-KTH To Launch 3+2 Joint/Dual Master’s Degree Program In Sept. 2023

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NCKU AISSM presents education programs on semi-conductor technology to Thai Delegation on May 5th

SDG17NCKU AISSM presents education programs on semi-conductor technology to Thai Delegation on May 5th

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NCKU's Department of Earth Sciences Hosts 2023 the 7th Taiwan-Philippines Earth Sciences International Conference

SDG17NCKU's Department of Earth Sciences Hosts 2023 the 7th Taiwan-Philippines Earth Sciences International Conference

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NCKU's International Collaboration Expands and Joins Forces with Japan's ATR to Cultivate Taiwan-Japan Startups

SDG17NCKU's International Collaboration Expands and Joins Forces with Japan's ATR to Cultivate Taiwan-Japan Startups

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NCKU inaugurates the first international Bio-Med aggregator hub in Taiwan, marking a new pinnacle in biomedical innovation

SDG17NCKU inaugurates the first international Bio-Med aggregator hub in Taiwan, marking a new pinnacle in biomedical innovation

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NCKU 2023 International Conference on Future Healthcare and Economic Development, shaping Taiwan's digital healthcare landscape

SDG17NCKU 2023 International Conference on Future Healthcare and Economic Development, shaping Taiwan's digital healthcare landscape

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Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich and NCKU Discuss Future Collaboration

SDG17Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich and NCKU Discuss Future Collaboration

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The Power of Collaboration with Southbound Talents

SDG17The Power of Collaboration with Southbound Talents

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NCKU Leading Technological Capabilities in 2022 Bio-Asia Taiwan Exhibition

SDG17NCKU Leading Technological Capabilities in 2022 Bio-Asia Taiwan Exhibition

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NCKU & ICDF Hold Training Program on Disaster Prevention Technology & Management for Allied Countries

SDG17NCKU & ICDF Hold Training Program on Disaster Prevention Technology & Management for Allied Countries

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New Milestone for Mandarin Education: NCKU Signs Trilateral MOU with UCI and TECO-LA

SDG17New Milestone for Mandarin Education: NCKU Signs Trilateral MOU with UCI and TECO-LA

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Fulfill the Dreams- CLS Awardees Take Mandarin Courses at NCKU

SDG17Fulfill the Dreams- CLS Awardees Take Mandarin Courses at NCKU

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NCKU and Delta Electronics(Thailand)Sign MOU for Talent Cultivation Through Industry-academia Collaboration

SDG17NCKU and Delta Electronics(Thailand)Sign MOU for Talent Cultivation Through Industry-academia Collaboration

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NOVA Project Scholarship Converges Experience Inheritance Across Generations

SDG17NOVA Project Scholarship Converges Experience Inheritance Across Generations

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NCKU Joins CHCI in Trend of Humanities and Social Sciences Globalization

SDG17NCKU Joins CHCI in Trend of Humanities and Social Sciences Globalization

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NCKU’s Stellar Performance Among 5 University in Epidemic Prevention Center

SDG17NCKU’s Stellar Performance Among 5 University in Epidemic Prevention Center

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NCKU Joins RISES at Microsatellite Project with Japan

SDG17NCKU Joins RISES at Microsatellite Project with Japan

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Studying Abroad at NCKU, Vietnamese Students Participate in Cultural Exchange

SDG17Studying Abroad at NCKU, Vietnamese Students Participate in Cultural Exchange

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Muslim Students Association – NCKU Makes Major Step for Muslims Living in Taiwan

SDG17Muslim Students Association – NCKU Makes Major Step for Muslims Living in Taiwan

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