Center for Multi-cultural Studies
Min-Nan culture has its unique population, language, literature, history, concepts, folks, religion, society, architecture, arts, operas and music. Our Center for Multi-cultural Studies promotes the Min-Nan culture study with the basis of Taiwan and unites scholars from worldwide to work on the study of Min-nan culture on comparing its communication, integration and changing.
Income Inequality and Traumatic
Spinal Cord Injury
Spinal Cord Injury
Researchers from the College of Medicine have studied the association between economic indicators and the incidence of tetraplegia from traumatic spinal cord injury in Taiwan. Based on their results, they recommend that the government continues to improve infrastructure and enforce traffic regulations in rural regions of Taiwan to reduce the urban-rural disparity and decrease income inequality in the prevention of tetraplegia of traumatic spinal cord injury.
Reducing Inequalities for
To reduce prejudice against LGBTQ people, we regularly organize seminars, newsletters, and screen movies to sensitize NCKU students about LGBTQ issues and conduct public talks and activities to help them better understand LGBT people.
Disability Support Services
The University is a disability-friendly campus with all the required infrastructure to make their stay a happy experience. We also provide individual educational, housing, counselling, and financial support to encourage them to study on our campus.
Financial Support for
Underrepresented Groups
We provide a range of subsidies and scholarships to increase college opportunities for underprivileged and minority students.
Counseling and Wellness
Our Counseling and Wellness Services Division (CWSD), a team of 14 full-time professional counselors including psychologists and social workers, provides a variety of mental health services to all NCKU students. Part-time counselors are accessible for individual therapy and English counseling is available for international students.
Indigenous Student
Resource Center
We set up the Indigenous Student Resource Center (ISRC) to encourage the study of indigenous culture, care for indigenous students, and make them proud of their own cultures. The IRSC also provides consultations on school life, career, and ethnic education for indigenous students to promote and build a more multicultural-friendly campus.
Eliminating Rural
The NCKU BOOK-ONE CITY Mobile Library has entered the 13 administrative districts of Tainan and Chiayi, bringing the collection of resources and courses on creativity and narrativity to the rural schools, and designing the display method with specific themes, so that the children in the rural areas are also able to learn advanced knowledge, creating a high-quality and equal education environment for every child in Taiwan.
Example Courses:
Seminar on Indigenous Law
GE 2036
Health Inequality: Theories and Policy
Serving Remote Communities through Language Education
Practical Training in Universal Design for Multi-Equity Environment